Well, Adam and I actually got to spend the day as tourists yesterday - it was fun :) The first thing we did was go to the famous place - Humayun's Tomb. It's funny because the price for nationals is only 10 rs. and for foreigners it is 250 rs. - pretty big difference :) We had lots of fun :) Next, we decided to go to the zoo :) At the zoo there were two different prices also... not as big of a difference, but it was 10 rs. for nationals and 50 rs. for foreigners. When we got to the ticket counter, we spoke to the lady in the language here and she asked us where we live. We told her and she was so excited and impressed with our language that she let us in for the local price!! It was a small language victory :) The zoo was fun! We didn't get to spend very long there because it closed a little over an hour after we got there, but it was cool!! I fell in love with this cute little bear. I didn't have the settings right on my camera, so the pic isn't very good, but you ...