At the beginning of October we went on a vacation to Kerala! Our ultimate destination was the beach, but we wanted to check out the Capital as well, so we spent the first couple of days there (seen in the picture above). Our awesome friends Keith & Carie met us there! It was so awesome to see them! They are awesome friends :) One of the first things we did was go to a famous palace and temple. The temple is very interesting!!!! Only Hindus are allowed entry, so we weren't allowed in, but just being outside of it was very interesting. Everyone that goes inside has to wear either a Sari or a Dhoti . A sari is what the women are wearing in this picture...a 6 meter piece of fabric wrapped around themselves. The men are wearing dhotis... A dhoti is a 4.5 meter unstiched piece of fabric that men wrap around themselves (in many different ways) and tie at the waist... There were stations at the temple where you c...
Rockin' along in South Asia