In October (just after our vacation to the beach where Diya fell off the balcony ), I got a cold. During my cold my ears started to hurt a lot and my right ear was totally clogged! I looked up every home remedy and I tried them all (just about)... but it stayed clogged and I couldn't hear out of my right ear at all. I figured it would just go away, but it never did. One day I noticed that I was losing my balance a lot more. I knew the ear can mess with your balance so I figured that was what it was. I started having daily balance problems. Then, after a couple of days, I got my first experience with vertigo. It was horrible... I was nauseous, vomiting and my whole body was spinning while I was laying still (and it lasted 6 hours!!!). After that I decided it was time to go to the doctor. We went in the morning to an ENT and he prescribed some antibiotics. I took those for a few days while still having vert...
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