MerRy CHrisTmAs!! We've been gearing up for Christmas here! Today we did a lot of cooking and shopping to get ready for Christmas!! Tomorrow (Christmas Eve) we're taking the train to M-town for Christmas Eve! We're excited to see people that we haven't seen since moving to the capital! It will be fun :)
Today I got henna done on my hands for Christmas :) I always like to get mehendi done :)
There are definitely some scary Santas here. This is one we ran into today...
What's funny about this one (besides the obvious) is that he's wearing stockings on his hands!! It's so funny because he was hired to stand out front of this little shop and hand out little toffees (candies)... the problem was, he had to reach his hand in this tiny bag and pull out one toffee for each child! ALL WITH THE STOCKINGS ON HIS HAND! Hahaha - it was hilarious! Here is is giving Adam a toffee :)
MeRrY ChrIsTmAs everybody!! Hope you guys have Rockin' Christmases!! You guys ROCK!!