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Well, I tried :)

So yesterday I wasn't feeling too bad! I started the morning by going to a friend's house (that is moving next week)... She gave me and another friend that is pregnant some of her old baby stuff! Yes! Now, I didn't shower before I went (because I usually throw up after my shower -because of the hot water I guess... and you can't really take a cold shower here because when it's 115+ degrees outside and your water is stored on the roof in black containers... there's no chance for cold water - SOOO... needless to say... I wasn't looking that great)... I wasn't feeling great after our outing, but I also wasn't feeling too bad...

As the day went on, I continued to feel better and better.... so I decided NOT to take a shower (and risk feeling bad again)... and I decided that I needed to get out of the house and go to the market (to get some new clothes for my ever-expanding belly). So Adam and I geared up and ordered an AC Taxi. The ride to the market wasn't so bad... (AC helps :)... We stopped at the market and went in a couple of stores... We found one store that had shirts and skirts that were what I was looking for... We picked out a couple of things... then I started feeling sick! I mean, really sick....

It was HOT (115+ degrees) and none of the stores have AC... and I started to feel REALLY sick.... first I tried sitting down in the store... but that wasn't working.... so I told Adam to get me a plastic bag.... (it wasn't looking good)... he got me a bag and I went outside... At this point I was sweating profusely (you know, how you sweat before you throw up)... and well, I'll spare you the details, but I lost it!!!

Now, in America, most people would probably be grossed out and totally look the other way.... Well, here, everyone stares and tries to give advice :) hahaha! It cracks me up! One guy was even telling Adam to rub my back :) You gotta love it :)

In the pic below you can see the infamous spot where I was sitting (that bench that the guy with the white shirt is sitting on)

So, after that... needless to say, I was looking REALLY rough... I hadn't showered... I was super-sweaty.... well, enough said.... ANYWAY... there was a McDonald's across the street... so we decided to go over there, get a Coke and I could go freshen up in the bathroom :) Well, Adam went to order the Coke and I made my way to the bathroom (which was closed due to water supply problems... hmmm....) so as I was leaving the bathroom (looking completely awful!) ... a girl grabbed my arm. I turn towards her and she said to me: "You are looking so beautiful." Hahahhaa! I said thank you and tried not to bust out laughing!!! You never know....

So, my first real outing didn't go quite as planned, but after the market I was feeling a little better, so we went and got some Gelato and some sour gummy worms from this great new store.... Despite the obvious, I'd say it was a pretty successful day :)


Deanna said…
The only good thing I can say about throwing up is...well, I guess you do feel better afterwards. Sorry and hope you are feeling better soon.
Girl if that isn't living the good life overseas, I don't know what is! How boring would throwing up in public in the US be?! Seriously, SouthAsia is a MUCH better place for publicly upchucking in plastic bags...and WAY more people would have noticed that you hadn't showered too...count your blessings! HA!
Kelley C said…
9 months after giving birth, I still carry a barf bag with me everywhere- paranoid from all the unexpected puking days of pregnancy. I might have a few I can leave you!
The Agarwals said…
Well, it seems that the good ol' cure for throwing up is gelato!! Remember our experience with Griff in the mall? After all that public humiliation that was the only thing that saved the day! Now, I am just wondering if you were craving the sour gummy worms with the sweets? And way to go for Adam taking care of his puking wife!! There is nothing better than a rub on the back from your hubby :-) It gets better I promise! Oh and one more thing, no matter how many showers you miss- that pregnancy glow always leaves you looking beautiful!!
Jeremy's fam said…
wow, sour gummies after puking... that is some serious pregnancy cravings! i can atest that the sickness does end while the beautiful glowing comments don't (even when you gain like 50 pounds!)
Emily said…
Aww...I hope the 2nd trimester is kinder to you. Public puking does make for a good story later though. I will always remember my twice-in-one-day public puking experiences in Paris. :)
Thought about the shower thing- Have you considered getting a big bucket, filling it with the water, and then letting it sit overnight in your bathroom? It's bound to cool down a little and then you can use the water with a scooper to maybe at least rinse off the soap at the end? Then maybe your whole shower won't have to be so hot. Either cover it with a lid or let a slow drip stay in it over night...then you don't have to worry about mosquitoes.
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear you at least tried. It will get better.
That is so funny! I never had any sickness with either one of my babies. I am so impressed with how you can handle such a crazy situation with grace. PROPS TO YOU!
Misty said…
I agree with the random girl, "You are beautiful!" I do hope you start feeling better soon.
Anonymous said…
I hope you start feeling better :)

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