Here they are all running in their fancy saris and suits!
And here they are running to the finish line :) It was hilarious!!
And just for fun...
Things I’m looking forward to in America…
- Family & Friends
o Moe’s!
o Taco Bell
o Chic-fil-a
o Bagel Peddler, Bagel Bagel, Bagel Headz… all those places J
o Guthries “Gut Box” / Raisin’ Canes
o Canned Beans
o Tortilla Chips!
o Dr. Pepper
o Soft Fresh Bread (Adam)
- Ice in abundance – Crushed ice!
- Publix Orange Juice
- Dryer (for our clothes – even though we’ll still have to air dry half of our clothes so that they still fit :) - most of our clothes now have never been dried!)
- Being able to use a stroller almost everywhere! (Aashini is getting heavy!)
- Being able to understand people’s conversations around me :) (It’s not that I’m super nosey – it’s just fun to be able to tell for sure if someone is talking about you)
- Being able to speak Hindi to Adam and most people not having any idea what I’m saying :)
- Libraries! I can’t wait to go and check out books! How fun!!! (I go through about a book a week, and if people don’t have books I can borrow then I have to buy them… so libraries rock) :)
We head out to the states this weekend - we're going crazy packing and getting everything done! If you think about it, please lift us up! You guys ROCK!!!
I wonder why so many more ladies were interested in racing?
We were told by our family that it's rude for me and James to speak Hindi to each other in front of them. We tried explaining we only do it when we're talking about stuff that others may feel uncomfortable hearing (why can't we stay? do you really want to eat there? etc). Also, we were in Old Navy yesterday and heard a man's voice say, "Chelo!" Turns out he and his family were from the city bigger than the capital. sometimes you'll be able to understand TWO languages around you!
Your "things I miss from home" list was entertaining... the dryer note intrigues me because hopefully soon that will be us! Though I'm wondering how long it will take to dry jeans and sweaters indoors when it's wintry outside???
Enjoy your trip home... we'll be lifting you up.
Elizabeth: a note about dryers. If you have heat in your house, it doesn't take too long to dry the clothes in winter, but they're super crunchy afterward. If you don't have heat, I hope you take some synthetic fabrics with you designed to be fast drying because it can take FOREVER!
When I saw your list was coming up, I was wondering how many Mexican foods and Tally specialties would land on it! I loved them all! :-) Should we meet up in Tally, let's plan a Bagel Bagel date! They closed the one here in our neck of the woods and that sounds like a relatively "healthy" craving! Ha!!
Lifting you guys up, especially for a restful and relaxing trip home!
Love you guys!!