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This is a Trashy Post! :)

Today I thought I'd post about some normal everyday stuff - like TRASH! This is our trash "truck". Six days a week, the trash man comes to our house. He brings up a big trash bag to our door and puts the trash from our building in it and brings it down to his cart. When he gets there, he sorts all of the trash. He puts the plastic in one bag (like you see hanging off the edge), the food scraps are in another, glass in another, etc., then they move on to the next house. They take the recyclable things and recycle them and the rest goes to the dump. I read the other day that our country is the least wasteful country in the world (and America is the most). It's really cool how things get reused and recycled every day here. I also love how they come to our door to get our trash daily - very cool :)


WOW! How interesting! I've heard the "streets" there are some of the "trashiest" looking and that Americans who move there have to get used to the litter on the roadsides.

I guess you can't judge a book by its cover... just because our streets are clean it doesn't mean we do the right thing with our trash!
Emily said…
Where did you read that? That IS interesting. I have a hard time believing it, but of course I don't know everything! haha Those trash wallas are hard workers, that's for sure.
SouthAsiaRocks said…
Em - it was in the newspaper the other day - a study done by some company for Earth Day (or whatever Earth Holiday was just the other day...) The Article said that this country had the least waste - that doesn't mean that they don't throw the waste they do have in messy ways :) haha!

Sharon - the trash and litter on the streets are definitely there but usually every morning someone sweeps up all the trash. There aren't many trashcans around the city - so people make trash piles on the sides of the road and things and they're usually gone in the morning...
Emily said…
That's true - I forgot about the litter getting swept up daily. I remember the first time James threw away something on the side of the road (in one of those designated "trash piles") I harped on him until he explained he wasn't really littering! :) I guess it just LOOKS like they don't dispose of trash properly, mainly because there are a billion people throwing away things daily, which can add up fast! But when it's swept up and sorted, I never saw what happened after that. That's great that they have a system on how to not waste much. America needs to get on the ball!

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