Before we went to the states, they started tearing down the house next door ... since houses here touch walls, our wall was somewhat exposed when they tore down the house next door... sooo... when it rained, our walls would get wet... That's why Our Wall fell apart not too long ago... ANYWAY, they finally started building the house next door... This might be boring for some of you, but building houses over here is VERY different than building in the states... There's one BIG thing missing... but we'll get to that...
First, they got rid of all the debris and started to dig... it was fun to watch - I felt like I was watching an archaeological dig... they kept uncovering random brick formations!
Well, here, with this house, they DIDN'T BUILD A FOUNDATION!! Instead, they got a bunch of sticks (that were all about the same lengh) and used them to prop up a make-shift floor made of metal plates... You can see this in the picture below. There is a very small wall that was built, and the support beams, but other than that - nothing sturdy to build a floor on....
Our walls don't hold up other houses (which is good)... but they do help to keep the house cooler!!
Didn't they read the story about the 3 little pigs?