So, it's been 3 weeks and his finger just didn't look right, it still hurt, and it just didn't bend or work right anymore... so we went to the doc... This is what Adam's finger looked like: So the doctor said that Adam has "mallet finger"... and sometimes know as "baseball finger"... so Adam likes to call it that - it sounds cooler :) Here's what it looks like (below).... his bone is broken and the ligament isn't attached to the top of his finger anymore... so... in order to fix it they have to put a pin in his finger to hold it in place for about 6 weeks....
Now, because it's considered "surgery" and they have to drill the pin into his finger... they have to book an operating room... and because they have to do that... it's an In-patient thing (not out patient)... so it made for a funny day.... Here's the hospital:
So we had to check into the hospital and get a room and everything... we got the super cheap economy room since we would only be there for the day... and we shared it with a bunch of other people (which made it even more entertaining)... We had to get to the hospial at 7:00 am...but he didn't go into surgery until 11:30 am... so we had some time to kill.... I played with my Nintendo DS and read a little... Adam played with his Yo-yo (as seen in the pic below)... the nurses and all the other people in our room thought it was funny (and they may have thought it was a little weird too) :)
The docs also came in and asked some funny questions... (well, with the language barrier they're funny)... one doc came in and asked Adam: "Any teeth that can be removed?" - What? We were very confused with this question... finally we realized she was asking if Adam had any false teeth :) haha! So, after we had been waiting for a while, one of the docs came in - we thought it was time for the surgery - but it wasn't. The guy came in to mark Adam's hand... He pulled out a Sharpie and put a big aarow on his arm... so that they wouldn't operate on the wrong hand... we thought that was pretty funny though because Adam wasn't going to be put to sleep during the surgery... he was going to be awake... haha! oh well :)
So it was finally time for Adam to have his surgery... They came to the room and made him lay in a bed to be taken to the OR... we thought that was hilarious since it was just his finger they were operating on :)
Here's Adam after the surgery (below) - his arm is gross and orange!:
In this pic you can see the pin in Adam's finger... (it's that little black dot on the top of his finger):
haha... love the arrow part.