We live in a city (and country) that has a lot of poverty. It's everywhere. In America if you have a kid, either one parent stays home to watch her, or she is put in childcare/daycare, etc. That isn't possible for all people here. We live in a land of extremes. Our neighbors are rich and have a nanny for their children while they are home just so they have more free time -- while there are people that have to do manual labor while watching their kids at the same time. Many people of lower income here do a lot of manual labor jobs. They dig holes, chop up bricks, build roads, etc. As you can see in this picture below, this woman is working a very hard job (using a pick ax and busting up the rocks) while watching her young child. This is VERY common - it's something that we see almost every day.
This year, our neighborhood was quite active for Dusshera. At one end of our street, one of the major political parties here, set up a Dusshera celebration. Here are some guys putting the effigies together and filling it full of fireworks! They had quite the political statement for their celebration. (Basically that expensive water, fuel, electricity, diesel, gas, etc and FDI (bringing in foreign companies like Wal-Mart) are like Raverna (the demon god)... and are the evils of today....) Here's their set-up at the end of our street.... you can't see it very well, but they had all three effigies there that they burned.... They burned VERY quickly at this one... So quickly that by the time I pulled out my camera, it was already on the ground!! Our street looked like those CNN videos of rioting cities :) haha!! There was burning stuff all over the street :) Many people will get a piece of the leftover wood/bamboo...
That sure was a big healthy baby.